English Design Laboratory - Registration Form


Student ______________________________________Age _____M/F Date_________


My school_____________________________________________________


Class, Day & Time________________________________________


Parent Name___________________________ E-mail___________________________


Address________________________________ City_______________ Zip_______


Home #_________________Work ___________________Cell__________________


Emergency contact – Name_______________________________________


Relationship _________________________Phone_____________________


Birthday Month/year _________________


Special Medical Information_______________________________________


I hereby give permission for my child_______________________________________to participate at English Design Laboratory classes, workshops, camps, labs, and other lab class activities.  I do also release English Design Laboratory and the owners, operators, and all instructors, from any and all liability due to accident or injury that may result from participation in any classes, workshops, camps, labs, and other lab class activities.



Parent/Guardian Signature


Payment information


$30.00 Registration Fee Annual________

$30.00 deposit towards class cost (non-refundable) ________


Check________ Cash___________  Paypal (at Website)_________________


Paypal through Website (process fees applied) Visa, Mastercard and American Express accepted.


Do you allow English Design Laboratory to use your child’s picture for advertising material specifically for classes?

Yes________   No_________    Parent/Guardian initials____________


How did you here about us? Newspaper/Magazine Article ___ Advertisement______________

Friend_________________Flyer/Mailer______________Other____________ ______________________________________________________________________

Official use

Paid in Full__________________     Date__________________


                                                               English Design Laboratory, Inc.

                                                    3660 Canton Road, Suite 210, Marietta, Ga 30066

Phone: (770) 924-2977 fax (770) 924-8189  http://www.EnglishDesignLab.com

email kenglish@englishdesignlab.com

                                                                                                Rev. 9/08